


Chew Spiders

Giant Frog








Trapdoor Spider























Bulbous eyes glare atop this creature’s decidedly toad-like head. A multitude of warts and bumps decorate its greenish skin.

Chew Spiders

An awful, scuttling mass of legs and mandibles scrambles forward out of the thicket.

Giant Frog

This creature looks like a normal frog, with moist, mottled, blackish-green skin, but grown to truly monstrous size.


This short, reptilian humanoid has scaled skin, a snout filled with tiny teeth, and a long tail.


This squat humanoid seems to be nearly all head—an unfortunate circumstance, considering how ugly its puffy blue face is.


A lumbering, pale purple frog-like creature with sickly green eyes, a healthy covering of slime, and two huge, walrus-like tusks.


Yellow eyes briefly flicker from a hole in a nearby maple tree. Suddenly, a large reptile leaps out, as green as the surrounding foliage and at least six feet in length. It has a dragon’s head filled with sharp teeth, and two arms ending in grasping claws. A cloud of greenish vapor wafts from its gaping maw.


This odd creature is about the size of a dog, but it has the slender build of a cat, heavy whiskers, and dark stripes down its back. Its long tail flips about, smacking the ground as it scans the woods. It yips and bays in a complex pattern, offering warning to anything that may cross its path.

Trapdoor Spider

A spider the size of a pony lunges from the depths of its lair.