Father Sanuires story


“Young men shall see visions, and old men shall

dream dreams. So state the holy texts of Yirratama

Indeed, great things have come upon me recently in

dreams. But I’m obviously too old to receive the

visions- visions regarding you, my friends.”



“Only recently did the great warrior Sir Praetol

wage a war of his own with the fiends of the dark

planes. My world, Qua-Nosham- as some name

it- has long been plagued by fiends: Tanar´ri,

Baacatezu, and Yugoloths. Sir Praetol sought to

take the fight to the enemy. Though the brave

hero fell to a terrible disease soon after returning,

he brougth with him a secret known to few.


“The fiends have the ability to come and go as

they please to any plane, any world- this we

already knew. Lady Praetol discovered how they

do it. A foul creature of great size - Maeldur Et

Kavurik- gives them the power.


“This bloated abomination carves temporary

paths through the multiverse, and the fiends use

those paths to make their way to any destination

they choose. But without the Maeldur, this ability

is stripped away. The fiends will be limited just as

you and I, with no power to simply appear and

disappear at will.


“That’s where my dream comes in. In this dream,

one of the celestial stewards known as a deva

came to me. She spoke of wondrous and strange

things, and spoke of dealing a mighty blow to the



“The deva told me that it is possible to protect

my world from their horrors for good. To see it

accomplished, she guided me here. Told me that

you were heroes who could do something with

Sir Praetol´s secret. You could be the champions

who tear this power from the fiends, making

them weaker and easier to overcome

forevermore. The only question is...

will you?

